Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Green Smoothies Experiment: No Pineapple

I have been running some experiment to produce green smoothies to be consumed as snacks at the office. I used to make some of them for the weekend, and for most of the time, I always add pineapple as one of the ingredients. Romaine Lettuce with Pineapple, Kale with Pineapple. Any-vegetable with Pineapple.

The problem that I have in the last 2 days was, I'm running out of pineapple. So, I went to the supermarket nearby, and bought a Pineapple that is still not ripe. Tough luck. But I have 2 clover of Romaine Lettuce in the fridge. It will rot if not processed in a few days, and I can't just simply let it rot.

Day 1: I was thinking, tomato and lemon juice should do the job of covering the taste of the juiced vegetable. We call it "langu". So, I put the lettuce in the blender, add 1 tomato, and press some lemon juice on top. Add some water and start whizzing the blender. Few minutes later, I pour in a glass and taste it. And the result is what I wrote in my Path: Lethal. The lemon and tomato didn't do a good job to cover the "langu" taste of the lettuce.

The green smoothies taste better though, after I put it in the fridge for few hours. After few hours sitting in the fridge, the lemon was able to cover some of the "langu" taste.

Day 2: "Add some banana. It will add some sweet taste", a friend of mine comment on my Path. She is also experimenting with green smoothies. So, in day 2, I add banana on top of lettuce, tomato, and lemon juice. "Just in case", I told myself as I put the lemon juice.

The mix result in slightly thicker smoothies. It was expected though, as banana will make the mix thicker. But at the same time, banana also add more body to the mixture, and made it taste more creamy and sweet.

How did both drinks perform? By adding banana, did it make my stomach full much longer? Well, I don't seems to notice the difference. Banana do help to make the smoothies taste better, but both last almost the same in my digestion.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Daily Meals - Week 17-23 Nov 2014

Tuesday 18 Nov 2014

Breakfast: Chia Fresca & Banana
Morning Snacks: walnut from adventist & bakpia kc hijau
Lunch: Nasi ayam goreng putri & peyek kacang
Evening snacks: starbucks vanila rooibos
Dinner: nasi goreng hijau 

Wednesday 19 nov 2014
Breakfast: chia fresca with banana.
Morning snacks: bubur ayam cirebon
Lunch: salad, sautee fish, potato
Evening snacks: sosis solo, green apple
Dinner: bumi gumati bogor: nasi goreng, empal, ayam goreng. Pisang goreng, es kelapa, puding

Thursday 20 nov 2014
Prerun snacks: apel dan chia seed
Breakfast: mostly vegetables, some sausage and beef bacon
Morning snacks: lumpia sayur
Lunch: various item at aston bogor
Dinner: mun tahu dan go hiong

Friday 21 Nov 2014
Breakfast: chia feesca & walnut bolu
Morning snacks: tempe goreng dan jus alpukat
Lunch: mie godog jawa & coconut water
Evening snacks: nanas, mangga dan pepaya. Roti pisang keju
Dinner: nasi uduk bang jali dan sate banjar

Saturday 22 Nov 2014
Breakfast: chia fresca and roti keju
Lunch: nasi goreng nanas dan nasi pepes
Evening snacks: pisang goreng
Dinner: fish n co

Remark: feel letargic the next day

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Daily Meals - Week 10 Nov - 17 Nov 2014

LIHMonday 10 Nov 2014

Breakfast: chia seed with mango & coconut water
Lunch: kwetiau goreng bakmi permata & air kelapa
Coffee: office coffee
Evening snacks: banana & starbucks vanila rooibos
Dinner: soto mie sarodja & wedang ronde

Remark: agak gatel2. Karena kacang dari ronde?

Tuesday 11 Nov 2014
Morning measurement: glucose 112 mg/dl. Uric acid: 6.7 mg/dl
Breakfast: Banana
Morning snacks: roti banana keju
Lunch: sate ayam & es kelapa
Evening snacks: banana & starbucks vanila rooibos
Dinner: mie ayam pangsit permata

Wednesday 12 Nov 2014
Breakfast: Lemon extract, banana and cereal
Morning snacks: arem2
Lunch: sate padang
Evening snacks: pisang & vanila rooibos
Dinner: mie permata pangsit + sweekiauw

Note: feeling letargic the next morning. Karena sweekiau?

Thursday 13 Nov 2014
Breakfast: Banana + lemon granola
Morning snacks: buah campur
Lunch: sate padang
Evening snacks: combro mercon + banana + vanila rooibos
Coffee: 2 cup kopi ujung
Dinner: nasi goreng

Friday 14 Nv 2014
Breakfast: granola milk + humus sandwich
Lunch: telaga sampireun: gurame, tahu isi, bunga pepaya, pepes tahu
Dinner: nasi lemak & nasi manado air asia
Coffee: praline starbucks blend

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Daily Meals - Week 3 - 9 November 2014

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Breakfast: Banana and Home-made Granola
Morning Snacks: Tortilla Wrap, Hummus with Apple and Selada Air
Lunch: Lotek + Nasi at City Plaza
Evening Snacks:  Starbucks Red Velvet, Tortilla Wrap, Hummus with Apple and Selada Air
Dinner: Sate Padang Pasar Modern, Walnut French Toast

Outcome: Feel hungry in the middle of the night. 

Thursday 6 November 2014

Breakfast: Banana and Walnut French Toast
Morning Snacks: Mixed Fruit
Lunch: Fish & Chips
Evening Snacks: 2 small size Banana and siomay
Coffee: 1 service of Kopi Ujung
Tea: Starbucks Rooibos Tea

Friday 7 November 2014

Breakfast: Banana and Walnut French Toast
Lunch: Nasi Uduk Cfe Mall
Evening Snacks: Starbucks Banana and Rooibos Tea
Dinner: Bakmi Ayam Pangsit Gajah Mada

Saturday 8 November 2014

Breakfast: Walnut French Toast and Lumpia Semarang
Lunch: Tahu Telor Sate Senayan
Evening Snacks: Roti Keju
Coffee: One glass of Kopi Ujung
Dinner: Sate Ayam

Note: Feel itchy after lunch. Suspect allergic to peanut or egg

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Asparagus and Mushroom Rigatoni Recipe

Jive Kitchen is back with a simple and healthy pasta from Runner's World. We cooked this pasta, replacing several stuff to clear our kitchen, most notable one is Rigatoni with Spaghetti.

Realizing that Asparagus and Shitake mushroom is the key ingredients, we tried to keep both in the dishes. Lucky for us that Sogo Food Hall sell both stuff with a good quality.

Another ingredients that we replace is Parsley with Italian Herbs, and Parmigiano Reggiano with Parmesan. While Sogo sell a good quality of Parsley, we don't want to buy bunch of it and ended up with using 1-2 stalk for decoration. Besides, we love the taste of Italian herb in the final result.

Quoting the recipe author about this dishes: "You get all the carbs without the cream or butter." Get the full recipe and instruction from Runner's World