Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Between Coffee & Wine On Board SQ 953

"And do you want some drink?" The flight attendant asked me while serving my brunch. I stunned for a moment. Which one is better, coffee or wine, to accompany omelet & sausage brunch at 38.000 feet?

Slowly, I unwrap the foil, covering the yellow omelet. It is still warm. Below the omelet is a piece of sausage, and on the top right is half piece of tomato, roasted, but not burnt.The sausage was rather disappointing. As I slice it, the sausage was rather soft. The taste wasn't that bad though, just not as firm and crunchy as my favorite sausage.

Real feast came from the omelet. I wasn't expecting much after the sausage. The omelet looks pale yellow, lack of sliced chilly, or scallions. But on 2nd slice, bunch of greeny leaf of spinach came out from inside of the omelet. I remember eating spinach wrapped inside Ravioli in Jakarta, which melt in the mouth. " This one is good", I smiled.

Satisfied, I took a sip of coffee, which I finally choose to kick-start the trip. Dessert for my brunch was a piece of banana crumble. It is unidentified type of Banana, wrapped with crumble, topped with icing sugar. Unlike apple crumble, the banana wasn't really crumbled. It is cut, lined topped and served. The banana still maintains its firm texture. I really don't mind having another piece of it.

As I looking out of the window, I took my final sip of coffee. The pilot announce our arrival, as the flight attendant remove my tray, leaving me satisfied, awake, and ready for the whole trip.