Monday, February 23, 2009

Made Your Own Soup @ Wing Kee Noodle, Hongkong

I can't discern anything in the bowl. Being in the country where I don't speak the language nor read the writing, I must put my fate for the dinner at the mercy of my friend. "Just don't put anything funny" I said, which she responded with a big suspicious grin.

"This brown mud soup couldn't be that bad. There won't be so many people queuing in this small restaurant if it is that bad." I mumble. Right in front of the door, there are approximately 20 people queuing for a seat. I stir the soup slowly and 3 piece of octopus tentacle came out of the mud. "Great.... what else now...."

A single sip instantly removes all doubts. I was expecting a heavy beef stock, but found a lighter one, despite of the look. To my relieve, my friend ordered some fish ball, fried tofu, sliced beef and octopus tentacle, all by no means a funny meal. A generous amount of noodle and water spinach is found at the bottom.

A warm chat with her completes my dinner. I'm full and happy