Monday, November 2, 2009

Brunch at Olio

In case you are wondering, yes, I'm back to Olio. For a different time of day though. In my last visit, I was tempted with their breakfast menu, so I'm back on Saturday morning for Breakfast.

The shop has jsut opened when I came in, around 10:30 am. There are 3 breakfast menu set, called Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3. It is actually same menu, though, with different content. Set 1 is toast bread or plain croissant, jam, and a cup of coffee or tea. Set 2 is Set 1 plus selection of egg and toppings, and Set 3 is Set 2 plus a glass of orange juice.

I ordered Breakfast Set 3 with toasted bread (they ran out of croissant), omelet with cheese, mushroom, sausage and beef bacon, and a cup of coffee. I certainly wished that they have the morning newspaper, or maybe I'm just to ignorant, because I end up with my laptop.

Overall it was a good brunch. The juice is cold and refreshing, although they would better use a fresh one. The bread was perfectly toasted, crunchy outside, with soft inner part, perfectly eaten with honey jam. The omelet is moist, with enough mushroom and sausage. But somehow I can't trace the taste of the cheese. Coffee served is Americano, made from Espresso.

And they would definitely better if they have more selection of breakfast, and smoking-free area.